Fourth of July DUI Charges in Alabama

DUI felony drinking

If you were charged with a DUI this Fourth of July, it is in your best interest to reach out to our firm today to speak with a skilled Penescola DUI defense lawyer.

What are the consequences of a Fourth of July DUI in Alabama?

Keep in mind that no matter what day you are found driving under the influence, you can expect to face the same harsh consequences. They include the following:

1st Offense:

  • Up to 1 year in jail, probation is possible if you are eligible
  • Fine between $600 and $2,100, in addition to court costs
  • 90-day driver license suspension OR install an ignition interlock device for a period of 3 months
  • Ignition Interlock Required on your vehicle for 1 year if convicted under “Aggravating Circumstances”

2nd Offense Within Ten Years:

  • 5 days to up to 1 year in jail
  • Fine between $1,100 and $5,100, plus court costs
  • 1-year driver’s license revocation OR install an ignition interlock device for a period of 2 years
  • 2-Year Ignition Interlock on your vehicle starts after a mandatory 45-day driver’s license revocation period

3rd Offense Within Ten Years:

  • 60 days to up to 1 year in jail
  • Fine between $2,100 and $10,100, plus court costs
  • 3-year driver’s license revocation OR install an ignition interlock device for a period of 3 years
  • 3-Year Ignition Interlock on your vehicle starts after the mandatory 60-day driver’s license revocation period

4th or Subsequent Offense Within Ten Years: (Class C felony)

  • 1 year and a day to up to 10 years in state prison
  • Fine between $4,100 and $10,100, plus court costs
  • 5-year driver’s license revocation OR install an ignition interlock device for a period of 4 years
  • 4-Year Ignition Interlock on your vehicle starts after a mandatory 1-year driver’s license revocation period

No matter what charge you are facing, it is in your best interest to retain the services of a Baldwin County criminal defense lawyer.

Can I fight my charge?

With an experienced attorney on your side, you will likely utilize one of the following arguments and strategies:

  • Illegal stop: Police officers must stick to particular rules and laws when pulling you over. If they fail to do that, then they may have to rescind your charges.
  • Medical or health issues: Specific medical problems can cause you to fail a sobriety test, even if you are not intoxicated. Furthermore, medicine can make it hard to show your Blood Alcohol Content.
  • Unreliable testing: Standardized field sobriety tests are not always accurate or reliable. Your lawyer will assess the accuracy of these tests.
  • Request evidence: Some police departments need officers to video traffic stops. If your lawyer can obtain this evidence, he or she can decide how bad the sobriety test was and whether the case really relies on the police officer’s word against the defendant.


The Law Office of James M. Burns helps people through various legal issues, including those involving criminal law, family law, personal injury law, and will & probate law. Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation.